Wednesday, December 28, 2011

C r a f t B r e a k : M i c r o C a t s

Made these sweet micro cats with the super cute and inspirational Microcrafts book. Love so many of the projects!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

T u e s d a y T u n e s : T h e C i v i l W a r s

Recently Discovered The Civil Wars and absolutely love their hauntingly beautiful album, "Barton Hollow". Lovely lyrics and just a touch of traditional Bluegrass meets Indie.

C h r i s t m a s R e c a p



Such a lovely Christmas this year with my parents, their best friends, and my cousin (and of course our two furry girls).

Monday, December 26, 2011

W e e k l y G e e k y : B u l b D i a l

Completed this Bulbdial LED Clock kit awhile ago with my Dad.  Definitely an expression of my inner geek.  Never thought I would enjoy a kit like this or have a knack for soldering, but it is definitely a fun skill to have. Looking forward to putting together the new kit I received from my Dad this Christmas. A great gift for both of us!