Saturday, November 30, 2013

S m a l l B u s i n e s s S a t u r d a y !

I love the addition of "Small Business Saturday" to the post Thanksgiving shopping spree. I think it provides a great reminder that small businesses offer amazing products that are locally made with care. I know I'll be supporting a few of my favorite small businesses as I finish up my Christmas shopping! 

(Enter shameless plug here) and while you're doing your shopping check out my Etsy shop:

and my mom's shop:

Happy Shopping!

Friday, November 29, 2013

L i t t l e B i t s O f T h a n k s g i v i n g

Hope you all had a lovely holiday! 
I'm still recovering from my food coma :)

Monday, November 11, 2013

C r a f t B r e a k : M y C r o c h e t K i t ( P a r t 2 )

I realized I never shared the second post detailing what I keep in my crochet kit! Well here it is. Along with the felt crochet hook holder, I crocheted a small drawstring bag to hold a small pair of scissors, tapestry needles, measuring tape, and stitch markers.  I kind of winged it with the bag pattern…I used cotton yarn and made a circular bottom increasing the rounds until it was the desired size and then began adding rounds of single crochet, eventually weaving in a rope of yarn to close the bag. This little kit has been great for keeping all my crochet tools together!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

C r a f t B r e a k : P o m p o m M o b i l e

I think I have a pompom addiction. Good thing I've come across lots of neat ways to use them!
This mobile was inspired by ideas I've seen floating around the DIY blogs and Pinterest and I used colors that go well in my bedroom. 
If you want to try making one yourself, you'll need various colors of yarn, metal rings (or any kind of sturdy ring with the diameter you want your mobile to be, even an embroidery hoop would work), and embroidery floss or bakers twine (optional - store-bought poms - I used some gold ones to add a bit of sparkle). Make LOTS of poms using your preferred technique and leave tails where you tied them off. Use those strings to tie your poms to the metal rings. Then use a needle to string up the tails on to the bakers twine and begin adding those around the metal ring.  The tails on the top ring will be pulled up and knotted together to make the hanger for your mobile, while the tails on the bottom hoop will hang free.  Use additional pieces of twine to tie together the two metal rings (this will take a bit of finagling to get the hoops to hang parallel). Once it's the way you like it, hang it up and enjoy your pompom masterpiece!

Monday, November 4, 2013

F o o d i e : W h i p p e d F e t a

If you love feta cheese, like I do, then you'll love this whipped feta! It's like the best spread ever. 

To make: Use 3 parts feta to 1 part cream cheese and toss both in a little blender (I used a bullet blender) or food processor and blend until smooth using a bit of heavy cream as necessary to loosen up the mixture and make it smooth. Add a bit of garlic powder or fresh garlic for added flavor, if you'd like. Thats it! It's that easy! 

I served my whipped feta spread on a toasted french baguette with cherry tomatoes and a drizzle of basil infused olive oil. Delish!

Sunday, November 3, 2013

E T S Y !

Hey everyone! My super talented mom finally opened her very own Etsy shop! 
Lucky for me, I already own several of her scarves and let me tell you…they are awesome! These bulky infinity scarves are my favorites.

Check out the shop:

More listings coming soon!