Thursday, May 15, 2014

F o o d i e : F r e s h H e r b a l T e a

This spring I've been working hard at keeping a mini herb garden alive on my windowsill (basil, you're so frustrating!). Despite the struggle, it's really nice to have a few fresh herb options sitting around and this mint & lemon balm tea is one of my favorite uses for my herbs (they are also much easier to take care of than my basil plant). To make: tear up a handful of mint leaves and lemon balm leaves (about 10-ish leaves each depending on size) and pour over 32oz of boiling water. I let my tea steep for about an hour (or longer, if I forget) and then place it in the fridge once it has cooled down.  This tea is so refreshing and is a great way to get in some extra water. I also find the mint and lemon balm combo to be quite soothing on the stomach. 

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